Shot Scope CONNEX Performance Tracking Tags
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CONNEX golf performance tracking tags record every shot you hit on the golf course, allowing you to keep your score and collect personalized data as you play. Track your game by simply tapping the club tag against your phone (usually kept in a pocket) before each shot.
During your round you can access full course aerial maps giving you a bird’s eye view of every hole you play. Measure the distance to the front, middle and back of the green, plus any point on the hole such as a hazard or the distance to a dogleg. With over 36,000 courses accurately mapped, you will have all the distances you need to perform at your best.CONNEX allows the golfer to understand their game better, improve on-course strategy and shoot lower scores.
The future of golf is powered by Shot Scope.
Track Your Game and Improve
CONNEX allows golfers to performance track their game which is a proven way to lower your scores. On average, players using Shot Scope tracking technology have lowered their handicap by 4.1 shots!
The only way to see your strengths and weaknesses with numerical evidence is through tracking, start now and start improving.
Full Course Aerial Maps
The aerial maps feature allows golfers to view the course prior to playing. CONNEX gives golfers a bird’s eye view of each hole and allows you to set a strategy before you set foot on the course.
Have confidence at a course you have never played before with CONNEX aerial maps navigating you round!
No Subscriptions or Hidden Costs
As with all Shot Scope products, CONNEX allows golfers to access over 100+ performance statistics with no additional fee or subscription.
Unlike other golf data providers, Shot Scope has no cost for premium statistics – get every statistic and feature, for free.
Your Game, Your Data
Tracking with CONNEX will give you the precise distances you hit your clubs with Performance Averages. P-Avg tracks the distances you hit shots and removes any outliers that are exceptionally long or short to give you a distance that you can confidently expect to hit your clubs. This then allows you to see any potential gaps in the bag and reconsider your set make-up as well as making it easier to select the right club for the shot club yourself appropriately.
Strokes Gained
Unlike traditional statistics, Strokes Gained gives a positive or negative score for each aspect of your game against a defined benchmark. This highly valuable information is available at no additional cost and can show the exact areas of your game that are negatively impacting scoring. Similarly, you can apply this to individual strokes on the mobile app or web dashboard and see if your strategy is helping or hindering your score.
System Requirements